Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Take the Justice Biography Quiz

It’s that time of year when the Ohio Judicial Center becomes a favorite site for field-trips before school ends.

The 100 fourth-graders that I talked with Monday from Monroe Elementary School sure know their government facts. They answered question after question about the judicial, legislative and executive branches at the end of their visit to the Ohio Judicial Center. To see the session that includes a special visit from a justice who made history long ago, click play on the video below.

We also introduced our new Web site that includes biographies of all 153 justices who have served on our Supreme Court. The Ohio Historical Society helped tremendously in researching this information.
You can read all the biographies by visiting this Web site: http://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/SCO/formerjustices/default.asp.

Once you do that, see how you do on this quiz on Supreme Court justices. I’ll post the answers next week.

1) Which justice served the shortest term?
2) Which justice served the longest term?
3) Which justice was the second longest-serving chief justice?
4) Which justice was the first woman to serve?
5) Which justice served with his brother on the Court?

Good luck!

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